The Online and Offline Unboxing Experience of Custom Packaging

During the Holidays, it’s the busiest time of the year for major brands and manufacturers. In fact, many of the businesses around the world contribute their 20% total years of sales to the Holiday Season alone. It’s one of those times of the year when a large number of people are shopping for their loved ones. In other words, most of the purchases made this time around are meant to be gifted to their family members and friends. Therefore, this is the perfect time for brands and businesses to make their way to the Holiday Cheer and enhance the customer experience of unboxing Custom Packaging to a completely new level.

But know that there is a bit of a difference between the real world unboxing experience and the one that you get from the world of e-commerce. What’s exactly that? Let’s find out.

Custom Packaging
Custom Packaging

The Offline Shopping Experience

When you are shopping for gifts at Brick-and-Mortars stores, you usually get the Christmas packaging as part of their services during the Holiday season. If they are not giving it out for free, you can still get it at a fairly low price.

Most of the times, it’s just some Cheerful wrapping that you get on the original packaging for the product by the brand itself. But, to make it cheerful and joyful – meant to spread the cheers of the Holiday – it is embellished with loads of Christmas related Ornaments, laces or ribbons.

But the unboxing experience is something the customers are really fond of, unknowingly. But how can you, as a brand, benefit from that?

What you can do is combine functionality along with remarkable design if your main channel for sales is through retail stores. Give your customers a custom box design that doesn’t require any packaging at all. On its own, the box looks remarkably outstanding and alluring.

You can also think about a constructional makeover. Make the flap simple yet magnetic. The bottom can be sliding. Or make the entire box two piece giving it a really memorable touch. All these things are nice to include in your design this time around. You are giving your customers an unboxing experience they want to have, unknowingly.

The Online Shopping Experience

Now let’s have a look at the world of e-commerce. Since you have to ship your items, the only thing you will be worrying about it the safety of the product and that it reaches the customer securely. Isn’t that it? Or maybe not!

While the safety of the product does really matter while sending it off to the customers, but that’s not where it all ends. The safety doesn’t give them the right to neglect customers with the most wanted experience they’ve yearned for without saying. Yes, the unboxing experience. They should never ever neglect that, especially around the Christmas Season. It’s for their own sake.

Cigarette Packaging
Cardboard Packaging

The King of e-commerce has kept making this mistake over and over and has been ruining Christmas for some over the years. We are talking about none other than Amazon itself. Many people have complained about them sending products as they are, without any cheerful wrapping and taking away the joy of the season. Their Christmas was sort of ruined because these were meant as gifts for the Season, and they weren’t delivered in the same Spirit – without any Christmas wrapping.

For most people, the mistake Amazon has made for them seems like ‘Grinch who stole the Christmas’. They were avoiding giving their customers the unboxing experience they were after. On The other hand, what Amazon was doing was only focusing on the Logistic aspect of sales and not thinking about spreading some joy and cheer. Therefore, it is a must for online retailers to offer their customers with season’s packaging. If you are not at all up for investing in the festive packaging and design, you can add in a detail that will make all the difference. But at least do something about it.

Let’s face it! The unboxing experience, that is so hip and cool, does not have to be limited to major corporations and big players only. The smaller brands can also pretty up their packaging by coming up with ways that are amazingly fantastic to surprise the customers. So whatever it is, vape, electronic, cosmetic, devices, jewelry, Cigarette Packaging, make sure it has the Holiday cheer customers are after this time around.